- Art & Culture
- Religious Tourism
Church of St. Augustine
Eretta fra il 1339 e il 1345 nelle forme tipiche del gotico monastico lombardo.
Erected between 1339 and 1345 in the typical form of a Lombard Gothic monastery, the church's interior has since undergone many alterations and now only the façade is true to the original construction. Thanks to the presence of the adjacent monastery of the Augustinian Monks, the church was the center of a vibrant religious and cultural life, and over the centuries was enriched with important works of art, including a 1494 painting by Perugino, and other sculptures, bas-reliefs and frescoes.
Opening hours
Feriali: 8.00/12.00 - 15.30/19.00
Festivi: 7.30/12.30 - 15.00/18.30
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