Along the river Po, between Lodi and Cremona territories
Fiume Po, fiume Adda, scorci impensati in piccoli borghi
Cycle Tourism
Summer at the Diocese Museums!
The cultural initiative continues throughout the summer with summer centres and organised groups.
Art & Culture
Visits to the violin-making workshops
An unique and unforgettable experience
Art & Culture
The road of Cremona's flavours
The best elements of Cremona's territory in a selection of products, places and itineraries proposed by The Road of Cremona'sFlavours.
Food & Wine
Cremona is...
The shop of Fattorie Cremona
A big shop (400 square meters) which presents the excellent products of the territory and offers also a multi-media didactic path
Food & Wine
The cheese
Ben sei formaggi prodotti nel Cremonese hanno ottenuto il riconoscimento DOP (Denominazione di Origine Protetta): grana padano, provolone valpadana, taleggio, quartirolo lombardo, gorgonzola e salva cremasco.