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Churches Cremona

Religious tourism is an important attraction of Italian tourism. Cremona does not miss the appeal with basilicas and sanctuaries
  • Religious Tourism
Churches Cremona, discovering Lombardy

Sundays at the Museum!

Free entrance to the civic museums on the first Sunday of every month
  • Art & Culture
Sundays at the Museum!

Cremona’s Guest Book

The emotions of those who decide to visit Cremona
  • Lifestyle
Cremona’s Guest Book

Cremona, le Botteghe di liuteria

Maestri del legno e del violino. Botteghe storiche e collezioni. La liuteria a Cremona è patrimonio culturale immateriale Unesco dal 2012
  • Art & Culture
Cremona, le Botteghe di liuteria

South Adda Park

A naturalistic route
  • Active & Green
South Adda Park

The musical instruments

In Cremona, Crema, Casalmaggiore churches
  • Art & Culture
The musical instruments

Vivaticket all'Infopoint

Buy the tickets for your events!
Vivaticket all'Infopoint

Partial closure of the Torrazzo climb

For maintenance work
  • Art & Culture
Partial closure of the Torrazzo climb