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For information about the availability of rooms please contact the property at the following addresses:

Phone: 0372 28701
E-mail: francamarelli58@libero.it
Book: www.locandadelcentrale.it





Roman Road

  • Art & Culture
Roman Road
79 mt

Cripta di Sant'Omobono

  • Art & Culture
Cripta di Sant'Omobono
115 mt

Pietra tombale di A. Stradivari

  • Art & Culture
Pietra tombale di A. Stradivari
115 mt

Torrazzo and Vertical Museum

The symbol of the town and the museum dedicated to time-measuring
  • Art & Culture
Torrazzo and Vertical Museum
118 mt

Teatro Filodrammatici

Uno dei primi teatri allestiti in città. Ancora oggi in uso come spazio teatrale e come cinema.
  • Art & Culture
Teatro Filodrammatici
118 mt

Duomo of Cremona

The cathedral of Cremona, built in the 12th century and dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta, is located in Cremona's government centre
  • Art & Culture
Duomo of Cremona
132 mt

Palazzo del Comune

The thirteenth-century "Palazzo del Comune", the Town Hall, is opposite the Cathedral
  • Art & Culture
Palazzo del Comune
138 mt

Piazza del Comune

The heart of the medioeval city, one of the most charming squares in Italy
  • Art & Culture
Piazza del Comune
138 mt

From Cremona to Casalmaggiore

Dancing on the bends of the Po. Amidst rows of willows, poplars and farmhouses
  • Cycle Tourism
From Cremona to Casalmaggiore
140 mt

Piazza del Comune

  • Art & Culture
Piazza del Comune
146 mt

Violin Craftmanship Cremona

  • Unesco Sites
Botteghe liuteria, Cremona
160 mt

Galleria XXV Aprile

  • Art & Culture
Galleria XXV Aprile
161 mt

Museo Diocesano

An amazing place of Art and Faith!
  • Art & Culture
Museo Diocesano
206 mt

Palazzo Vidoni Pagliari

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Vidoni Pagliari
227 mt

Parco al Po

The Po Park creates a filter between the city and the naturalistic area of ​​the Po river and its banks.
  • Parks
Parco al Po
228 mt

Monastery of Santa Chiara

  • Art & Culture
Monastery of Santa Chiara
228 mt

Piazza S.A.M. Zaccaria

  • Art & Culture
Piazza S.A.M. Zaccaria
228 mt


  • Art & Culture
228 mt

Palazzo Lodi Zaccaria

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Lodi Zaccaria
253 mt

Centro Culturale Santa Maria della Pietà

  • Art & Culture
Centro Culturale Santa Maria della Pietà
285 mt