• Art & Culture

Summer at the Diocese Museums!

The cultural initiative continues throughout the summer with summer centres and organised groups.

Also in summer, the Diocese of Cremona's museum pole offers a rich programme of educational proposals aimed at children and young people, to bring them closer to local culture and history through engaging and educational experiences.
Initiatives that in June and July saw the Grest as protagonists and that in the coming weeks will continue to involve summer centres and other organised groups, offering diversified activities that combine fun and learning.

Between ascents to the Torrazzo and visits to the Diocesan Museum, the young participants have the opportunity to experience culture in an active and engaging way, enriching their knowledge and discovering the value of the local historical and artistic heritage.

With initiatives such as these, the Diocese of Cremona demonstrates its commitment to promoting culture and education among the younger generations, offering experiences that leave their mark.

Through interactive workshops and guided tours, specially designed for different age groups, children explore the museum's collections and express their creativity, creating works inspired by the masterpieces on display and deepening their knowledge of artistic techniques.

Groups wishing to learn more about the proposals can write to info@museidiocesidicremona.it or call 0372 495082.


Proposte Didattiche A.S. 2024/2025

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