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FIAB Cremona

Discovering Cremona by bike
  • Active & Green
FIAB Cremona

Bernardino Campi in Pizzighettone

Frescoes in the San Bassiano Church in Pizzighettone
  • Art & Culture
Bernardino Campi in Pizzighettone

The joy of running

Enjoy your training in Cremona
  • Active & Green
The joy of running

What can I eat in Cremona?

The main courses of Cremona’s tradition
  • Food & Wine
What can I eat in Cremona?

Visits to the violin-making workshops

An unique and unforgettable experience
  • Art & Culture
Visits to the violin-making workshops

The Archaeological Museum

on Google Arts & Culture!
  • Art & Culture
The Archaeological  Museum

Cremona, le Botteghe di liuteria

Maestri del legno e del violino. Botteghe storiche e collezioni. La liuteria a Cremona è patrimonio culturale immateriale Unesco dal 2012
  • Art & Culture
Cremona, le Botteghe di liuteria

Park South Adda

Along the lower course of the Adda a rich aquatic avifauna and a territory marked by farms, castles, monasteries to be discovered
  • Parks
South Adda Park