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Coffee with a view

Among the twenty most beautiful squares in Italy
  • Art & Culture
Coffee with a view

Cremona by bike

Discover the routes and download the map: live your territory by bike!
  • Cycle Tourism
Cremona by bike

A new web-site for Cremona’s Museums

  • Art & Culture
A new web-site for Cremona’s Museums

Cremona and its music

Cremona's music is closer than what you think
  • Art & Culture
Cremona and its music

Cremona Local Products Guide

meats and cheeses characterize the Cremonese gastronomy
  • Food & Wine
Cremona local products guide, gourmet experiences

The Big Bench on the Po River

A new point of view
  • Active & Green
The Big Bench on the Po River

What can I eat in Cremona?

The main courses of Cremona’s tradition
  • Food & Wine
What can I eat in Cremona?

A place to play

  • Art & Culture
A place to play