- Food & Wine
Andiamo a Tavola
33° Edition - Eating in Cremona and province
Andiamo a Tavola comes to its 33rd edition renewed in its contents, presenting itself as a practical tourist/gastronomic guide divided into areas, also translated into
English to offer an even broader and more targeted service for visiting our territory, with adequate space for typical products, the main gastronomic events, the main monuments and an alphabetical list of restaurants, pizzerias and agritourisms subdivided by location.
24,000 copies are available free of charge at the Cremona and Crema Tourist Information Offices, local newsstands, hotels and main B&Bs, and the info points of the Formaggi & Sorrisi, Il Bontà, Festa del Salame and Festa del Torrone events.
Via QR Code, in-depth information and more information.