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Going shopping in Cremona is exciting!

Going shopping in Cremona means living a complete experience, a unique moment made up of several nuances, colours, notes and flavours. Going from one shop to the other is a pleasant way to live the city-centre and enjoy its quietness and peculiarities.
In Cremona you can find what you are searching: everything here has an ancient, modern and surprising taste. The shops’ windows are enlighten in any moments of the year and in every small shop it is constantly renewed the history of few ancient families who pass down their tradition, their passion for high quality and humanity.  Try to enter one of the town’s historic shops: they have an extraordinary furniture and they can offer you a warm unforgettable atmosphere.
Cremona is extremely resilient ans it is ready to live the challenges of the new year with a strong spirit,  re-launching again the activity of all its shops. Like in the entire Lombardy region, also in our town, on the 7th of January it will start the sales’ season: come and get the bargain! You can’t miss it!
Choose Cremona for your shopping. It is safe and cheap.  
The shops make the town alive. Support the shops of your town.

Ph. Salvo Liuzzi Photographer

Take me here: Going shopping in Cremona is exciting!

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