- Art & Culture
The cost of a coffee and a lot of benefits
It costs only 1 euro and it involves all the territories of the circuit GardaMusei, in which Cremona is included. The new card Gardamusei gives the opportunity to enter a series of museums in the Garda Lake area, and not only. In Cremona, in particular, it's possible to visit the Civic Museum, the archaeological museum and the violin's museum with some discounts.
And those who want more advantages, can buy the Welcome Card with a 20% discount. In this way you can visit Cremona's circuit of museums and monuments at a reduced price, obtaining discounts in shops, restaurants, hotels and theaters and a free guided tour.
GardaMusei lasts 2 years from the purchase. Then, from the third year on, it is possible to renew it paying only 1 € in one of the structures participating to the initiative.
The Gardamusei Card, like the Welcome Card, is available at the Infopoint in the Municipality Square and in the other structures participating to the initiative.
The list of the participating subjects is available on: www.gardamusei.it
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Tessera GardaMuseiScarica modulo di tesseramento 2019
Iscriviti online
1) Compila il modulo online e ritira tessera dove vuoi
Collegarsi al sito www.gardamusei.it e compila il modulo online con i tuoi dati (nome, cognome, mail).
Riceverai una mail con le indicazioni per ritirare la tessera presso la sedeche avrai indicato nel modulo. Il pagamento di 1€ avviene al ritiro.
2) Compila il modulo cartaceo presso sede scelta e ritira la tessera
Puoi scegliere di tesserarti direttamente presso una delle sedi di rivendita . In questo caso compili il modulo cartaceo e contesutalmente attivi e ritiri la tessera. Anche in questo caso, l'operazione costa solol 1€.